
Warm Strict and Kind

Our Warm, Strict and Kind behaviour culture enables our pupils and staff to focus on learning our knowledge rich curriculum. Our high expectations,  strict discipline and excellent pastoral care create a learning environment in which our pupils have the opportunity to be ambitious, aspirational and confident. We pride ourselves on strong learning routines and take time to train our pupils so that they know what we expect of them at all times.

We have four easy to follow rules which are: 

  1. Follow staff instructions 

  2. Speak appropriately to all 

  3. Focus on the learning 

  4. Complete an acceptable amount of work 

When pupils do not follow the rules, they get Step 1-chance to change (warning), if they do not change their behaviour then they are given a Step 2-Removal. The sanction for a Step 2 is a 1 hour detention on the same day, so the next day is a fresh start. 

These expectations support all of our pupils in becoming confident, self-disciplined and respectful individuals both at school and as they graduate to College, Sixth Form or Apprenticeships.

We support all of our pupils, including our SEND pupils to meet these high expectations.

We apply our expectations with a Warm Strict approach, making reasonable adaptations based on the individual needs of pupils



Pupils always have homework as they are supplied with knowledge organisers (KO’s) which have all the key facts for topics that they need to know. They need to learn these off by heart by using the Look, Write, Cover, Write, Check method in their KO books. This is their homework for every subject every week and in Prep too. You can support you child by going over and testing them on these KO’s at home. we use Microsoft Teams for remote learning and assignments are set on Teams for pupils to access and complete at home.