Applying for a place into Year 7
Arrangements for applications for places at the beginning of year 7 are made in accordance with the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements. Therefore, applications must be made directly to the Local Authority in which the child lives.
In the summer term, parents of all Year 6 children are provided with the appropriate information required to make an application. This includes the timetable to be followed and the closing date for applications.
Details are also available on the Local Authority’s website: Leicestershire Gov
In-Year Admissions / Admissions other than Transfer at the start of Year 7
Parents should apply via the normal in-year admissions procedures as co-ordinated by the Local Authority in which the child lives. All such applications will be considered and if the year group has a place available, the school will admit the child (except where the child has been permanently excluded twice since September 2016, in which case the duty to comply with the application is removed for two years from the second exclusion). If more applications are received than there are places available, the over-subscription criteria above for the relevant age group shall apply.
A waiting list will be maintained in cases of over-subscription and will run from September to August, at which point it will be cancelled.
The Heath Lane Academy has engaged the services of the LA to co-ordinate midterm applications. This is because the LA’s online systems operate 24/7, and throughout school holidays - online.
Published admission number:
The published admissions number for year 7 at Heath Lane Academy is 150. When the number of applicants for this age group is below this number, then all applicants will be admitted, except in circumstances that contradict the academies' safeguarding policies.
If an application for a school place is refused, a refusal letter is issued, which will set out the reason for refusal and the right to appeal. Parents have a right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. The decision of an Independent Appeal Panel is binding on parents and the admitting authority. To appeal, please go to the Leicestershire County Council website - 7.2 The LA will arrange the appeal on behalf of the Academy to be heard by an independent panel, whose decision is binding on all parties.
Application link: Click Here
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