

Attendance Phases – Student Information


Outstanding attendance

100 Merit Points will be awarded every term

Termly raffle draw for a prize for a winner from each House

99% - 97%

Excellent attendance

50 Merit Points will be awarded every term


Good attendance

10 Merit Points will be awarded every term

Phase 1


Below satisfactory attendance

You will be placed onto Attendance Phase 1

Your Pastoral Leader will talk to you about your level of absence and monitor your progress and offer support to help you to improve.

Phase 2

92% or below

Unsatisfactory attendance

Your patterns of absence are a concern

Perhaps you are having regular days off for minor illness, or routine appointments in the school day.  We will meet with your parents in a School Attendance Meeting where we can plan appropriate support and make agreements to help your attendance level to improve.

Phase 3

Below 90%

Significantly below satisfactory attendance level

Education Authority categorise as Persistent Absent

We will hold a formal Attendance Review Meeting to discuss the legal requirements for your parents to ensure that you attend school regularly.

Phase 4

Failure to improve

Risk of Local Authority prosecution for irregular attendance

Your parents may be prosecuted and fined

You have low levels of attendance and your parents may be prosecuted and fined.  The fines available to the courts if parents are found guilty of the offence include a fine of up to £2,500 and the court can also sentence them to imprisonment for up to 3 months.



Arrive on time

  • Students are expected to be in school and lining up for lesson by 8:40am for an 8:45am lesson start

What happens if students are late

  • Late to school – students who arrive at school after 8:45am will be required to sign in at reception and will be given  a same day 30 minutes After School Late Detention.
  • Persistent late – if a student is regularly late to school additional sanctions of a same day 60 minutes After School Late Detention.

Arriving Late to School

  • The student will be at a disadvantage.
  • The student may miss important knowledge/content at the start of the lesson and interrupt learning.
  • Persistent lateness - the Pastoral Lead will discuss with the student.


When children do not follow the rules, they get Step 1-chance to change (warning), if they do not change their behaviour then they are given a Step 2-Removal. The sanction for a Step 2 is a 1 hour Detention on the same day, so next day is a fresh start.  Parent/Carer are notified by text. 



Students always have homework as they are supplied with knowledge organisers (KO’s) which have all the key facts for topics that they need to know.

They need to learn these off by heart by using the Look, Write, Cover, Write, Check method in their KO books.

This is their homework for every subject every week and in Prep too. You can support you child by going over and testing them on these KO’s at home. 


Please see the attached letter below in order to clarify any questions you may have relating to homework.