We know that school can provide much of the information, but helping yourself to research independently about careers you are interested in or helping your own child to plan their career and develop those important skills for work is a great support. As an employee, you can provide the link schools need to the work place by offering employer encounters or supporting careers events in school.


Are you a Pupil?

We want to help you develop your own careers and work readiness skills.

This doesn’t have to happen in school in a classroom. There are a lot of online opportunities that are fun and interactive to help you become ready for starting your career.

Look through this careers website to help you get a better understanding of what we do.

Click on your Year group link below to start your independent careers learning and get yourself ahead.


Start to explore some careers that could be of interest to you and suit your personality type. Thinking about how you like to work, your personality and interests is a way of shaping some career ideas that you could start to explore.

Remember- Life is all about choices and the choices you make eventually make you! Start to take charge of your own career choices.

Year 7 Exploring Careers


Next year you will be choosing your options subjects. To make the right choice you need information at your fingertips! If you don't know all the facts how can you make the right choice? Start to find out all about the range of subjects you could choose by doing some 

Year 8 Exploring GCSE Subjects and Careers


Where could your GCSE subjects take you in a career? Have a look at careers that use the GCSE subjects you have chosen and explore the different job roles that the different careers sectors. Look at the things people do, the skills set that make them good at a job role and the routes after school that led people to these careers.

Year 9 Exploring GCSE Subjects and Careers


Post 16 choices and routes. Look ahead at what your choices could be after school. Finding out this information helps you to make the right choice for you. Look at them all by completing these tasks and start to think about the route that is right for you. Take this further by visiting the virtual careers fair or try some virtual work experience to see what you could do after you leave school, try to look at things you have not considered as a career and find out more information. 


Keep checking this section of the website to find out about open day events it's not too soon to start getting the information about visiting providers through the many virtual open events designed to help you in your decision making. Make sure you talk through your ideas with a parent, form tutor and when you have your 1:1 Careers interview with Debbie Partridge.

Year 11 Virtual Work Experience Task

Year 11 Post 16 Options Information

Get ahead with your Careers Research by clicking on your year group and completing some independent careers work.