We are delighted to welcome you to

Heath Lane Academy

Heath Lane Academy offers a vibrant, caring and aspirational learning environment for the young people of our community.

Our mission is to 'develop good people' and we pride ourselves on the high expectations we have of our students in everything that we do. Our school has improved significantly in recent years and our pupil numbers continue to grow as a result. Our school culture, based on our values of Work Hard, Be Kind and Be Respectful, demands that students are well behaved and demonstrate a positive attitude to their education. Students and staff understand that our strong culture gives our students the best possible chance to be successful in their lives and make a positive contribution to our community and wider society.

We prioritise academic success for all of our students and we are excited to be joining United Learning Trust, one of the most successful Trusts in the country. We deliver an aspirational knowledge rich curriculum which is designed and implemented to ensure all of our students ‘graduate’ to aspirational destinations. Our staff work collaboratively to innovate and plan exciting and inspiring learning, enabling our students to leave Heath Lane Academy with a lifelong love of learning.

We are passionate about our students learning beyond the classroom to develop a holistic education and strong character. These opportunities include volunteering in our community, Sports, Art, Drama, Music and much more. If you would like to work with Heath Lane Academy to develop further links with our community, then we would love to hear from you.

Our school is proud to be at the centre of our community and our dedicated staff work incredibly hard to serve our young people for the benefit of our community. The quality of what we can offer can be judged by coming to visit us and seeing for yourselves.

Enjoy our website and I look forward to meeting you soon.

Mark Trimingham