Update on Covid 19 and easing of lockdown restrictions

Following the Prime Ministers announcement that we are moving into the next phase of the roadmap out of lockdown on Monday 17th May, this article is to update you on two changes to our Covid measures at Heath Lane Academy. The safety of colleagues and pupils remains our top priority.

The first of these changes relates to the use of face coverings. From Monday 17th May, face coverings are no longer recommended to be worn by pupils in schools, in England. Pupils have the choice to wear them if they wish. This is a personal choice. Pupils will be required to continue to wear them on school and public transport.


Staff are not required to wear face coverings in classrooms unless they are unable to maintain 2m social distancing e.g. a Progress Coach working with a pupil. Staff are required to wear face coverings in communal spaces and at any time when they are unable to maintain 2m social distancing. Again staff who wish to continue to wear a face covering at all times may do so.

The revised guidance states that the reintroduction of face coverings for pupils, students or staff may be advised for a temporary period in response to particular localised outbreaks, including variants of concern. Should this happen we will inform you.

Our second change is the return of our Pastoral and SEND teams to our Well Being Centre. This stage of the national roadmap allows us to move back to our centralised pastoral system. This will enable us to offer further support to our pupils while they continue to work in their Year Bubbles. We will ensure social distancing is maintained when pupils access the Well Being Centre. SEND pupils have had this change explained by the SEND team in advance of this change. Year 11 will continue to access support in their bubble area for their final weeks at Heath Lane Academy.

We will continue to regularly review our robust risk assessment and apply any necessary amendments or changes as the national climate and government guidance changes. Compliance with social distancing and ventilation will be key to continue the hard work we have done to minimise the number of cases in our school and our community.