NWSLC delivered an interactive and engaging virtual reality session to help support year 10 pupils with their post 16 options.

Using a cardboard headset, which pupils were able to keep they had the opportunity to explore NWSLC’s Hinckley campus, which consists of all the creative courses and the Wigston campus, which courses cross over to the Nuneaton Campus.

Whilst looking around the campuses pupils can click on pop-ups that contain more information about their choose course area.

Pupils can see how classes are run, with welcomes from current students, the student centre, eating areas and the industry-standard facilities.

These sessions will give the students a chance to look around the college from the safety of the school.

Pupils feedback that they enjoyed the session and it helped to support what choices they could make post 16.

Year 10 pupil Summer said, “I am interested in doing photography when I leave school, so it was really good to be able to see what equipment the college uses and what the campus looks like.”

Alfie, also from Year 10, said, “I really enjoyed looking at all the different course options and getting a chance to see the facilities. It has really helped me to start thinking about what I want do when I leave school.”

And pupil Sean said, “It’s a great way to show people the college without going onto campus. It has helped me to see that there are lots of exciting options after school.”

Thank you NWSLC for a great interactive session