Welcome to the HLA home learning page

All information and guidance is on these pages to support you with your home learning but if you have any issues please contact your Pastoral Leader for further support.

Remote Learning Access & Delivery

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

Live lessons using Microsoft Teams

To access Microsoft Teams pupils must first download Microsoft Office 365 or go to: www.office.com

To log in to Microsoft 365 pupils must use their @stumidlandat.co.uk email address.

Microsoft Teams Once logged in to Office 365, pupils can select the Microsoft Teams icon from the list on the left-hand side of the page. Through Microsoft Teams, they can access all of their classes and channels. Teachers will upload homework and remote learning into the appropriate classes and channels.

All teaching staff have been fully trained on how to utilise Microsoft Teams for education. Pupils have been shown how to access work that has been set and how to complete and upload assignments. Teams provides pupils with a more interactive and responsive platform through which they can access live lessons and work remotely.  

• Work set through Microsoft Teams or Microsoft365 emails.

• Pre-recorded lessons.

• Online software e.g., GCSE Pod, Seneca, Hegarty Maths, etc.

• Paper based booklets/books. What else can pupils do to keep up to date whilst absent from school?

• Prep work using knowledge organisers.

• Hegarty Maths

• Lesson work using curriculum booklets

• Home learning / Homework

• Maintain regular reading of fiction and non-fiction texts.

• Revision for future exams and assessments.

• Watching GCSE revision clips on BBC Bitesize.

• Creating revision resources.

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly 5 hours each day, i.e., similar to a normal day at school.



If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

•We have completed an audit in school of pupil’s access to appropriate devices and the internet to access lessons.

Where needed our school provides laptops/tablets and internet dongles to support.

In some cases, if a solution cannot be found then paper-based materials will instead be provided.



All homework and home-learning is set through the pupils Microsoft email accounts (stumidlandat.co.uk).

Work is set in the TEAMS assignment area. Forgotten password for this account contact:

IT technical queries (password resets, and other technical support needed if having to learn from home e.g., issues with accessing their Teams channel, accessing the internet, office365 etc.) RemoteLearningMAT@eservices.freshservice.com


Pupil & Parent Guide - Attending a live lesson



Where to find help - recourses to support Parents & Pupils


Mental Health & Wellbeing


A downloadable app which is simple to use and helps through logging worries in order to clear your mind.  Can be used by adults or children.


This is a collection of downloadable self-help guides that may be useful to you, these can be used to help developing and maintain positive mental health. Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents. Just click the resource you think might support your need the best. 


Intraquest have created a range of videos to support with reducing anxiety and promoting a healthy sleep routine for young people of all ages. There are also ideas on creating a Keep Calm Kit for younger children that you might find useful. 


Beyond Words is a charity that provides books to support people who find pictures easier to understand than words. Whether supporting somebody with a learning disability or communication difficulty, these resources empower people through pictures. These books are free to download and offer an opportunity to discuss Corona Virus and the issues surrounding it the virus and lockdown. 


There are seven simple tips on the every mind matters website:-
Establish you own routine, Make a dedicated workspace, Give yourself a break, Stay connected, But set boundaries, Start thinking longer term and Be kind to yourself.

Wellbeing links:-

There is lots of available support online for both adults and children around wellbeing and mental health. 
To support your child we recommend the following websites: 








Physical Health & Wellbeing

Keeping Fit links:-

PE with Joe
The body coach, Joe Wickes is running a live workout session on his Youtube Page, Monday-Friday at 9am. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=joe+wicks

Yoga is great for flexibility, stress relief, health, and physical fitness.
Start with the shorter five and ten minute videos, if you’re not sure where to start, or her specifically designed "Yoga for Seniors" half an hour flow, designed to be slow and gentle.  

Gym-free workouts.  Equipment-free workouts for all levels
Put the fun back into fitness with these illustrated guides designed to help make your workouts effective and easy to follow. 

NHS recommendations
To stay fit and healthy, you're recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or around 20 to 30 minutes a day. 
Plus, you should aim to do strengthening and balance exercises at least 2 days a week. These home workouts are an easy way to help you reach your exercise goals, so give them a go!   

The Body Coach TV
Many of you may have used the Joe Wicks workout each morning at 9am but he has many other workouts on his youtube page – why not give some of them a go?  “I started the Body Coach TV with a goal to offer free home workouts to everyone, no matter what their fitness levels. It’s taken me a long time to grow it but it now has over 250+ free workouts and reaches millions of people all over the world ☺️”  

Sydney Cummings is a US based personal trainer. Her you-tube channel has 500+ free 10-60 minute workouts based on everything from yoga to high intensity interval training (HIIT).These workouts will give you a great sweat without using any equipment! All you need is your body and some space to move and you’ve got a sweaty, heart –pumping workout that will challenge you anywhere, anytime!

There are plenty of exercises that you can do without needing equipment or a gym membership.
The army have put together a playlist of exercise videos from their PTI’s (Physical Training Instructors) to help you improve or maintain your level of fitness.


Keeping Safe Online links:-

Keeping safe online – there is a lot of support out there for parent/carers concerned about keeping their children safe online. Below are a number of useful links to support with this:-