Your Future Matters

We aim to create successful futures for all our young people so they can sustain employment and experience personal and economic success throughout their working lives.

Our vision is for every young person to be ambitious, develop skills and achieve qualifications to fulfil their potential within the world of work.

What to expect from your school careers programme

  • All pupils in years 7-11 access a programme of lessons within the PSHE curriculum, which focus on different aspects of careers and employability skills.
  • All pupils complete a short careers survey to help us identify several career sectors they are interested in, so we can direct opportunities to genuine interests.
  • All pupils will have at least one Employer Encounter during each year at school. These encounters include visits to local universities, national careers events such as The Big Bang .
  • Local business and employers visit our schools to offer practice interviews and attend an annual Careers Fair, which is open to all pupils and parents.
  • Access to online resources to support career development such as e-Clips helping pupils to research careers independently.
  • We offer access to businesses, employers, post 16 providers to deliver talks and assemblies each year to make sure all pupils know the opportunities available to them when they leave school.
  • In Year 10 and 11, every pupil has a 1:1 guidance interview with one of our Level 6 Careers Advisors. Parents and carers can attend this interview if they would like to.
  • We actively promote access to a wide range of careers to all pupils challenging stereotypes and careers, which traditionally have been gender-specific.
  • We encourage the development of work-ready skills through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

How you can support your child in their career journey

  • Please talk to your child about their career interests, if they do not know what they would like to do focus on developing their work ready skills through activities, hobbies, and interests.
  • Look through the careers section on this website. You will find a lot of information about careers and information for parents and pupils to support career development.
  • Take advantage of the many employer encounters offered during the year. Sometimes a visit out of school can motivate and provide pupils with direction in their career planning.
  • Contact the school if you need support of any aspects of careers, or if you can support the school careers programme.
  • If your child has benefitted from a career experience, please let us know, we would love to hear from you about what they enjoyed helping us enhance careers experiences for others.  Please email

 Careers Curriculum 2023

Year Group & Key focus


Impact Measures

Gatsby Benchmarks


Year 7


  1. Changes
  2. What have you achieved?
  3. Stepping up from primary school
  4. What influences me?
  5. Roles that I think are successful
  6. What are you like?
  7. Skills for life
  8. This is me
  9. What is work?
  10. Using the careers library
  11. Introducing some important initials; L.M.I and S.T.E.M
  12. Changes in the World of Work
  13. How creative are you?
  14. Setting targets
  15. Review my learning
  16. Look ahead and evaluation

By the end of Year 7, students will have evidence of:


    • Reflect on own skills and achievements to produce evidence skills and experiences
    • Reflect on influence of others on own decision making
    • Identifying own skills and how this relate to both different life roles and to key skills for employment and associative links between school and self.
    • Being able to identify a diverse range of careers from different fields.
    • Being able to describe a variety of means of working.
    • Expressing initial preferences for career choices.
    • The opportunity of attending a Careers Fair with a range of employers, higher education and  further education providers


1, 2, 3, 8

Year 8


  1. Your beliefs and values
  2. Are school and work so different?
  3. What do you want from work?
  4. Job families
  5. Can anyone predict the future?
  6. Become a job search expert
  7. Dress code
  8. Are you sure that’s true?
  9. Budgeting
  10. How do you make decisions?
  11. The qualifications landscape
  12. Writing an action plan
  13. Review my learning
  14. Look ahead and evaluation

By the end of Year 8, students will have evidence of:


  • Developing their understanding of employment in its widest sense.
  • Exploring and challenge stereotyping in the work place and in different fields of employment.
  • Being able to explore how social media can enhance and also decrease employment prospects.
  • Being able to explore important ideas about careers and the future world of work.
  • Exploring skills useful in different life roles and of their own work readiness skills
  • Exploring their own strengths, likes, interests and future hopes.
  • To know what specific career paths are available through core and option subjects.
  • The opportunity of attending a Careers Fair with a range of employers, higher education and further education providers


1, 2, 3, 8

Year 9


  1. Plan your decision year
  2. Personal qualities
  3. Personal qualities and jobs
  4. Skills
  5. Skills and jobs
  6. Tell us why it should be you!
  7. Being enterprising
  8. Working today
  9. Eastern delights!
  10. Using reliable information
  11. Qualifications
  12. Choosing options
  13. Fake news
  14. Review my learning
  15. Looking ahead and evaluation

By the end of Year 9, students will have evidence of:


  • Evaluating their subject choices with a focus clearly on future career aspirations.
  • Exploring STEM subjects and link these to different careers sectors through lessons and additional activities.
  • Identify the factors that may influence career choices and decisions and how to make informed choices.
  • Using local LMI information to see the present and future employment trends locally.
  • The opportunity of attending a careers Fair with a range of employers, higher education and further education providers.

1, 2, 3, 8

Year 10


  1. Exploring possibilities
  2. What employers want
  3. Work and lifestyle
  4. World of work quiz
  5. Rights and responsibilities at work
  6. Responsible employers
  7. Application skills
  8. Work experience
  9. Moving on from work experience
  10. Developing your personal sales pitch
  11. Managing your money
  12. Thinking ahead after you are 16 – options
  13. Different qualifications and their equivalents
  14. Review my learning
  15. Looking ahead and evaluation

By the end of Year 10, students will have evidence of:


  • Full awareness of the range of local, regional and national options for Post-16 & Post 18 destinations including apprenticeships and non-academic pathways.
  • Draft CV & Personal Statement contextualised through key employability skills and supported with evidence of relevant practical experiences.
  • Knowing a range of employability skills such as team work, leadership listening and self-presenting.
  • Experience a practice interview with employer of careers advisor.
  • The opportunity of attending a Careers Fair with a range of employers, higher education and further education providers

1, 2, 3, 8


Year 11

  1. Year planner
  2. How are you doing?
  3. Your skills and interests
  4. What are you like?
  5. Which way do you go?
  6. The changing job marker
  7. Green jobs
  8. Money matters
  9. Exercise your network
  10. Making applications
  11. Writing a CV
  12. Writing a covering / cover letter or Email
  13. Preparing for interviews
  14. Where have you got to so far?
  15. Review my learning
  16. Look ahead and evaluation



By the end of Year 11, students will have evidence of:


  • Having engaged with at least one 1:1 interview with the Careers and Employability Manager to confirm individual career path and personal action plan.
  • CV, Personal Statement and covering letters contextualised through key employability skills and supported with evidence of relevant practical experiences.
  • Successful application to Post-16 destinations including interviews
  • To create an action plan for a future career path.
  • To understand the different steps for applying for jobs, courses and apprenticeships.
  • Being involved in a series of assemblies from local post 16 providers.
  • The opportunity of attending a Careers Fair with a range of employers, higher education and further education providers
  • Visiting local post 16 providers through open days and events to support post 16 choices 


1, 2, 3, 8

Careers Provision

It is never too early to think about careers and your future plans. We believe that providing opportunities and information as well as careers guidance from a qualified careers advisor supports all young people to make informed plans and decisions.

Each of our schools have a team of staff committed to planning and delivering high quality Careers events for all our pupils.

We have a careers curriculum for years 7-11 which introduces, develops and provides information to help pupils make informed careers decisions.

Our careers work is designed to support the Gatsby Benchmarks.

The careers curriculum is planned and resourced to fit into the whole school curriculum and utilises knowledge books and teaching methods used in all lessons. There are opportunities for discussion within the lessons to allow pupils to explore topics and ask questions. Like other subjects we use knowledge quizzes to help build up pupils' knowledge of careers so that they become familiar with terms and career specific words.


Policies aligned to Careers Education including our brand new employer access policy which enables direct contact between employers and school.

Please click on the links below to view our policies

The CEIAG Team

At the Heath Lane Academy we have a team of staff who work together to deliver quality and impartial CEIAG. The team consists of: 

  • Mrs Debbie Smith – Careers Leader (
  • Mrs Debbie Partridge - Careers and Employability Manager 
  • Ms Caroline Denny - Careers Advisor
    If you would like to speak to Debbie or arrange an appointment please contact her on 07813 450650 or email her on