Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.  

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.  

School overview

Detail Data
School name Heath Lane Academy
Number of pupils in school 698
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils 27.8%

Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

Date this statement was published 18 September 2023
Date on which it will be reviewed September 2024
Statement authorised by Mark Trimingham Principal
Pupil premium lead Susan Ley Associate Assistant Principal
Governor / Trustee lead Anne Melville Chair of governing body

Funding overview

Detail Amount
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year £195,000
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year £0

Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year



Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our mission as a school is to develop good people. This is aligned with our vision of the ‘best in everyone’. We are determined that all pupils and staff can achieve our mission, and this drives our commitment to provide the best possible support for disadvantaged pupils, including our pupil premium pupils. 

In 2023, our school achieved our best ever Progress 8 score. While this remains below 0, we were proud of the improvement in progress by our disadvantaged pupils with a gap of only 0.02 between all pupils and our pupil premium pupils. Our staff are determined to continue this improvement while also improving pupil premium attainment. 

Our three year plan is a working document which is reviewed and evaluated robustly. We use a range of assessments to assess the impact of our strategy and use a range of recognised research including Education Endowment Foundation and the Sutton Trust to inform our strategy. 


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number Detail of challenge
1 Pupil Premium Attendance nationally and locally is below non pupil premium attendance. To ensure our pupil premium pupils access our pupil premium initiatives we must support them to attend. Pupil premium attendance is within 1% of non-pupil premium. 
2 Pupil resources to access our curriculum and achieve as well as their non pupil premium peers. We provide resources to remove potential barriers to achievement. 
3 Levels of aspiration, ambition and motivation of pupil premium pupils. We provide enhanced careers provision. 
4 Lack of cultural capital relative to their non pupil premium peers. We target pupil premium engagement in all enrichment and Personal Development activities. 
5 Closing the achievement gap between pupil premium pupils and non-pupil premium pupils nationally. We continue to provide additional intervention to supplement quality first teaching. Pupil premium progress in 2023 was 0.02 below all pupils in Year 11.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
Provide resources e.g uniform, PE kit, Ingredients for Food Technology, and resources in other subject areas.  Pupil Premium pupils have the same access to resources as their non pupil premium peers. As a result, their work in lessons is comparable to non-pupil premium pupils and their progress and attainment benefits from this support.
Career and Destinations. Pupil premium pupils are fully prepared for Post 16.  95% of pupil premium pupils secure aspirational Post 16 destinations. 
Funding is provided for transport for Pupil Premium pupils to access enrichment activities including educational visits. E.g. University visits.  Our enrichment tracking indicates that Pupil premium pupils' participation in enrichment activities is comparable to non-pupil premium pupils. 
Pupil premium pupils are prioritised in all academic interventions and tutoring programmes.  Pupil premium pupils in all years make the same progress or better progress than their non pupil premium peers in our school. The gap between PP pupils and non-PP pupils nationally closes for our Year 11 pupils. 
Pupil premium attendance  Pupil premium attendance is comparable to non-pupil premium pupils and the gap to non-pupil premium nationally continues to close. 


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £84,000

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed

Heads of Year x 5 

High expectations consistently applied are the highest leverage (EEF 2023). 


Associate Assistant Principal PP and Transition 

The leadership provided for the PP agenda ensures good value for money for the funding received and ensures effective monitoring of support, progress and attainment (Sutton Trust 2023). 


Improve Teaching & Learning 

Calendar of twilight training 

T&L playbook 

Observations of staff  

Modelling of good parts of T & L 


Chunking & scaffolding support for pupils to reduce the gap 

(EEF 2023). 


Evolve training for staff delivering trips 

Staff secure on planning & organising trips to develop pupils cultural beyond school. 



Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £62,000

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed

EEF Mentoring 

Tutors & staff meet & mentor pupils from their year group to identify barriers & support them with academics & well being.  Meet every ½ term – see spreadsheet of pupil feedback & teacher comments (EEF 2023). 



Disadvantaged will attend extra-curricular activities on site, before and after school as much as non –disadvantaged pupils (EEF 2023). 






Attendance concerns 


Yr11 - Tutoring program for English, Maths, Science, French, Humanities 

Yr10 – from mocks 

PP attendance officer liaising with subjects to support attendance in lessons. 


Interventions – 1 to 1 & small groups 

E.g. Flourish pastoral support - impact from data questionnaires. 


Inclusion support & provision for pupils with ADSS & SEMH 

EEF – Behaviour interventions 


Thrive, before and after school, timetable of support for pupils 

Valuable impact on attitudes to learning and social relationships in school. 


Direct Instruction 

Small group intensive support to raise the attainment gap between pupils who are disadvantaged in line with non-disadvantaged pupils (EEF 2023). 



Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £ 49,000

Activity Evidence that supports this approach Challenge number(s) addressed

Family Liaison Officer Honorarium 

EPI.org.uk (2023) 


Thrive Inclusion Leader 

EPI.org.uk (2023) 

1, 3, 5 

Chaplain Support 

EPI.org.uk (2023) 

1, 3 

Pupil Premium Safeguarding and Attendance Officer (30% of salary) 

Sutton Trust (2023) 

EEF (2023) 


Enrichment Lead Honorarium (Fixed Term) 

EEF (2023) Arts Participation 

Sport England (2023) PE and Sport 

1, 4, 5 

University visits offsite, onsite external College visits, business fair 

Disadvantaged pupils are inspired to look forward beyond school to support their futures & careers 


Total budgeted cost: £ 195,000



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