9th July 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to make you aware of the plans for the start of the 2021/22 Academic Year. At Heath Lane Academy, we believe that providing a high quality induction for our pupils at the start of the year sets the foundations for the year. Therefore, we will be staggering the return of Year groups to enable each Year to receive an induction tailored to their needs. Our new Year 7 pupils will require additional induction to support their transition. We will also prioritise Year 11 as the group closest to their external examinations.

A phased induction programme will also enable us to train staff and pupils on our plans for the term and the government guidance that applies in August when we return. This includes the requirement for Covid testing in schools at the start of the academic year.

Covid Testing in August

Government guidance requires pupils to have lateral flow tests in school as they return for the new academic year. Pupils will be tested the day before they return and then have a second test 3-5 days later. The two tests will be conducted in school. Our School Business Manager will be in contact with families shortly with further details on Covid Testing, including how to give consent and appointment times. Pupils attending for their 1st Covid Tests should arrive for their appointment time and then return home after their test. 2nd Covid Tests will be conducted while pupils are back in school.

Return dates for pupils

Our current plans for the start of the academic year (subject to government guidance) are:

Monday 23rd August


Year 7 and Year 11 pupils will only attend school for their allocated Covid test time and then return home

Tuesday 24th August

Year 7 and Year 11 pupils will return to school


Wednesday 25th August

Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils will only attend school for their allocated test time and then return home

Thursday 26th August

Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils will return to school. All pupils are now in school.

Years 7 and 11 will complete their second Covid tests in school

Tuesday 31st August

Year 8, 9 and 10 will complete their second Covid test

We have planned for pupils and staff to return to learning in specialist facilities and rooms in faculties from August 2021. In the event that government guidance requires us to work in ‘Year Bubbles’ at any point next year we have also prepared an alternative plan to ensure learning continues safely. We have also prepared for remote learning should this be needed at any point in the Autumn Term.All pupils should attend school via the main gate to start at 8.45am on their first day of term. Pupils should attend in full Heath Lane Academy uniform. All pupils will finish their school day at 3.10pm.

A copy of the 2021-22 Term Dates are available on our school website. Please note Friday 3rd September is an INSET day.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our pupils and their families a safe and enjoyable summer and we look forward to welcoming our pupils back to Heath Lane Academy after the summer break.

Yours sincerely

Mark Trimingham
